How To Properly Set Up Your OT Therapy Clinic

How do I open an OT Practice?

Becoming a business owner…an entrepreneur…is NOT easy. It may not for everyone!

I’m an OT business owner that started out very much like you. I just wanted to fill my schedule and treat the way I wanted to treat. I was searching for the freedom that everyone in business talks about but all I found was being tied down to my patient schedule.

I started out 10 years ago. Within the 1st year I was stuck…I knew the business I created needed help. I just didn’t know where to turn or who to turn to.

I started my business by asking around to see what other OT’s did. What was limited. Though there’s MORE information now…it’s also MORE confusing.

The market is competitive, but I’ll tell you what….there’s plenty of room for us occupational therapists.

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