Ways You Can Make More MONEY with Your CHT.

Earn More by Becoming a CHT

Welcome to Hand Therapy Secrets, the podcast that's here to tackle a BIG question we all think about but might not always talk about: money. I'm your host, Hoang, an occupational therapist and certified hand therapist, and my mission is to help you, fellow therapists, enhance your clinical and business skills.

Let's face it, money is on our minds, whether we admit it or not. We've invested in our education, often accumulating student loans, and now we're eager to see financial progress. I understand the pressures and expectations that come with this profession, but there are ways to increase your income, whether you're a seasoned therapist or just starting out.

In this podcast, we'll dive deep into the strategies to boost your earning potential. Becoming a certified hand therapist (CHT) is one key route, opening doors to higher pay, bonuses, and unique job opportunities. But it's not just about passing an exam; it's about mastering your craft and offering specialized skills that set you apart.

I'll share personal experiences, from my own journey to becoming a CHT and beyond, offering insights on how you can negotiate higher salaries, seek out your ideal work environment, and even explore entrepreneurship in the therapy world. Remember, financial growth takes time, and it's not always immediate, just like our careers in healthcare.

Whether you're seeking a pay raise, looking to save more money, or contemplating entrepreneurial ventures, this podcast will equip you with the knowledge and inspiration to elevate your career and financial well-being as an occupational or physical therapist.

Join me on this journey as we unravel the path to financial success in therapy, one step at a time. If you have questions or want to learn more, don't hesitate to reach out. Thanks for tuning in, and let's elevate your therapy career together!

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5 Secrets To Studying For The CHT Exam With Ease