How To Start An Online OT Business

How To Stary You Own OT Business Oline 

Are you an occupational therapist wondering how to kickstart your own online business or online course? In this video, I'm Hoang Tran, a certified hand therapist and occupational therapist, and I'm here to share my journey on how I established my OT online business.

Over a decade ago, I began with a physical clinic. However, I realized that finding certified hand therapists or those trained in hand therapy was a significant challenge. Many were seeking experienced professionals, and I didn't have extensive experience. Still, my passion for teaching persisted.

Initially, I aspired to teach at a university, even taking some courses. I eventually became an adjunct professor and then proposed creating a splinting course. This experience kickstarted my journey, and I believe if you have expertise in a specific area, you can grow an online business tailored to your niche.

The possibilities are vast. Whether you want to help people with specific conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, offer yoga services in conjunction with OT, or focus on hand injuries like I do, there's ample room for innovation and growth in the online OT world.

Starting an OT online business involves sharing your knowledge and honing in on solving particular problems. For me, I started by sharing my expertise in splinting, gradually developing my Hand Therapy Secrets program. You'll need to create content, such as videos and blogs, and share consistently. Sharing what you know is essential to building trust and showcasing your abilities.

It's crucial to understand your audience and adapt your course based on their needs. By sharing and interacting with your community, you'll discover what they require, which can lead to adjustments in your course content and structure. Don't start by developing a program and hoping people will buy it; first, establish your expertise and understand your audience's needs.

So, to start your own OT online business, share your knowledge, engage with your community, and build trust by consistently offering valuable content. As you share, you'll gain insights that can shape your program to truly help your audience. Remember, the online world offers endless possibilities for occupational therapists to make a meaningful impact. If you have any questions or need more guidance, please leave them in the comments. Thanks for listening and stay tuned for more valuable content. Don't forget to leave a rating on my podcast.  

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