My Marketing Focus in 2024

Marketing Strategies for Occupational Therapist 

Hey there, fellow occupational therapists! As we gear up for 2024, I've been doing a lot of soul-searching about where I want to take my OT business. You know, we're all passionate about helping people, but I've come to realize that we need to focus on making sure people actually know about us. Marketing is the key to reaching more people and making a more significant impact.

If you're in the same boat, whether you're just starting out or you've been at this for a while like me, growing your business is all about getting more eyeballs on it. That means more attention, more clients, and ultimately, more success. Reflecting on 2023, I've spent a good amount of time on marketing, but now as we approach the end of the year, I want to share my laser-focused plan for 2024.

In a world that's evolving rapidly, especially post-COVID, I believe marketing is going to be more crucial than ever. My perspective is that things might get tougher before they get easier, and if we want to seize opportunities to help more people, we need to bring more attention to what occupational therapy is all about.

So, what's my strategy for 2024? It's simple—more attention. More eyeballs. My marketing efforts won't revolve around just promoting occupational therapy. Instead, I'll focus on what my potential clients want and need. For instance, I've noticed that most people searching for our services aren't specifically looking for occupational therapy. They're seeking solutions to specific problems.

In 2024, my primary focus is on generating attention for my clinic and my online program, Hand Therapy Secrets. Now, there are countless avenues within marketing, so the question is, what aspect are you going to zero in on? For me, it's all about creating valuable content.

I've decided to commit to more deliberate planning in 2024. Instead of going with the flow, I'll spend dedicated time thinking about my target audience and creating videos and content tailored to their needs. This involves scheduling time to think and plan, batching out content creation, and improving communication within my team.

My commitment to growing my YouTube channel for the clinic means being more thoughtful about the content I share. I've also decided to batch out my videos more efficiently, leveraging Parkinson's Law to keep myself focused and productive. This approach allows me to be deliberate, efficient, and effective in my communication and content creation.

Moreover, I'm challenging myself to become a better communicator, addressing the curse of knowledge bias. By improving how I convey information to my team, I aim to reduce frustration and enhance overall efficiency. Better communication is a critical skill that I believe will not only benefit my clinic but also contribute to my goal of writing another book.

So, if you're an occupational therapist or another healthcare provider looking to grow your business in 2024, share your focus in the comments below. I'm here to help and create more videos that can support you on your journey. If you found this helpful, don't forget to subscribe and let me know if you want more content like this.

Until next time, peace out, and I look forward to hearing about your goals for 2024. Thanks for tuning in!