Stop Kissing Dr Ass | Market Yourself to Your Community!

Market Your OT Services to Your Community

I remember starting out my clinic over 10 years ago and was told to market myself and my services to doctors. I made my list of those I knew. I made a list of ones I wanted to get to know and have them send patients to me. I spent my 1st two years in business doing that. Here's what it got me: - schedule that went up and down - a lot of time in the car driving from place to place - standing around and waiting with my box of cookies - barely any phone calls and when it was...they only wanted to know if I could take their patients insurance At some point, the thing that might have worked 20-30 years ago to build a business no longer services us.

Take a listen to this weeks video on - Stop kissing doctors ass and market yourself to your community. I'm not saying it doesn't work...of course it can work. But please don't let that be what you spend majority of your time on. Let me know what you think of this video. I know most OT's and CHT's are still out there kissing ass....but I refuse to do so anymore.

It's LIBERATING!! It feels so good when people want to work with you...not you feel desperate that you need them to work with you in order for your business to survive and thrive. If you like videos like this that help build your OT business, Click here to get ony my personal email list: